Monday, December 29, 2014

Char-Em School District; Teacher not worthy of teaching.

A teacher in the Char-Em school district hasn’t been very good at teaching. She is out of school more than she is in.

The school has been receiving quite a few complaints about this female teacher, saying how they don’t feel like they’re learning. If a student is sick, and asks her what they missed, all she would reply is “It’s on my website.”
Her website, consisting of “inspirational videos” that the students have to watch and reflect about in their journal, contains no dates or topic. It’s unorganized, and it has things for all different classes.
Her Spanish II class doesn’t feel like they’re learning. They’ve tried many different procedures. She tells those students to use the textbook, when there isn’t enough for the whole class, which only contains 9 students. Nearly all of the students want to drop that extra-curricular class for something else. “Anything else would be better than being in that class.” said one of the students.
The Spanish class took a test, on stuff they didn’t really learn about. The highest anyone got was a 60% which was just barely passing. One of the students had answers marked as wrong, when they were right, and the teacher told them that they’d have to do the test over again. This was brought up to the principal, who later exempt that test for the entire class. Another student was looking at his grades and said he was graded for something he didn’t turn in, and it was a good grade. Another student checked her grades and she failed on some things that she did turn in and was correct. This teacher was obviously picking favorites.

While the teacher was home sick one day, there was this assignment that was due. It was handed out on Monday, and later Monday night, she posted on the website that all the students were disappointments because only 3 students turned it in and that it was only due Wednesday if you were absent. If that were the case, she should’ve at least waited until Tuesday to write something. The assignment had to be submitted over the internet, while some students don’t have that privilege at home.
The teacher went on medical leave for 30 days, this past December. A substitute came and took her position while she was gone. The substitute has a granddaughter, who helped with the Spanish classes. The Spanish classes said that they actually felt like they were learning. They talked about how they enjoyed the class now that the teacher wasn’t there. The students in the Spanish II class say that if she does return in 2015, they’re dropping the class. Who could blame them?

The teacher, who has recently hit the age of 40, has been caught cheating on her husband with a former student. Her husband loved her, changed his lifestyle just for her. She is allergic to gluten and has migraine problems. He was there for her. He did the best of his abilities to do what he could for her.
She is now divorced because of her cheating. The former student has graduated sometime within the past 5 years. It’s gross really. She could be his mother with roughly 20 years age difference.
She has mentioned that she hates children, so why take a job as a teacher? She’s rude. Skinnier than a twig. Always having to go home because of a migraine.

This teacher has a severe drinking problem and is always taking narcotics for her migraines. That isn’t a good combination.

During her “medical leave” in December, there were rumors saying that she went to a rehab center. No one knows for what. She was smaller than a twig. Some sources say she has anorexia. That is a possibility. Or possibly for her addiction to narcotics or her drinking, but others say that she always reeked of Marijuana.

Within the past 2 years, she has “blacked out” while falling down the same flight of stairs. Could that be from the narcotics? Or could it be from the possible anorexia she has?

I don’t feel like this teacher is worthy of teaching. With all of this going around, imagine what the school’s reputation is becoming. Char-Em, step up your game.

*Comment left by the teacher on the website.

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